Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
These Papers Have No Respect for Those Who Have Died for America
Published on September 8, 2004 By blogic In Politics
These are the Bush backing papers that have beat the drum to war, and questioned the patriotism of those that argue Bush has bungled the reconstruction of Iraq. You'll see they casually overlook the men and women who've died for Bush's incompetence:

The Washington Times:

Fox News corporate sibling the New York Post:

Meanwhile, the "liberal" newspapers that are smeared by the Bush attack squads as betraying the troops, prominently recognized those who have died for their nation:

The Washington Post:

The Los Angeles Times:

The Bush Campaign mouthpieces -- The Washington Times and the New York Post -- should be ashamed.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 10, 2004
or if the first bush had taken him out?

Fair argument. Hindsight says he shoulda done it. Unfortunately, all we have to work with is "fore"sight, which is much tougher to get right the first time.

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