Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
I think some of you continue to believe that Fox News is neutral in its coverage of politics.

The Chief Political Correspondent of Fox News posted a nasty smear of John Kerry earlier today. After it was noticed by blogger Joshua Micah Marshall, they first retracted the story without notice, and later admitted what had happened.

Here's the smear itself:
Rallying supporters in Tampa Friday, Kerry played up his performance in Thursday night's debate, in which many observers agreed the Massachusetts senator outperformed the president.

"Didn't my nails and cuticles look great? What a good debate!" Kerry said Friday.


"It's about the Supreme Court. Women should like me! I do manicures," Kerry said.


"I'm metrosexual — he's a cowboy," the Democratic candidate said of himself and his opponent.

A "metrosexual" is defined as an urbane male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
You can also see the screenshot. Fox eventually withdrew the piece, and hours later had this to say:
“Carl [Cameron] made a stupid mistake which he regrets. And he has been reprimanded for his lapse in judgment. It was a poor attempt at humor.”
So, who's Carl Cameron? He's the Chief Political Correspondent of Fox News! Here's part of his official bio:
As chief political correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC), Carl Cameron is responsible for covering a broad range of stories, including presidential, congressional and gubernatorial elections. Cameron also covers all the breaking political news on Capitol Hill and in the courts.
So there you go, the Chief Political Correspondent of Fox News posted a nasty smear of Kerry that ignored the issues and literally made up its attack points. Next time Fox News tells you that it's "fair and balanced", you'll know that the Fox News talking heads are trying to play you. And next time you hear "We report, you decide", you'll know they're reporting lies, and the only thing they've decided is to treat you with disrespect.

on Oct 01, 2004
Yeah, you're right, Democrats have no sense of humor at all. What can ya say about people like that...

Out of curiosity, what did you consider "nasty smear"? The fact that he is well manicured, or the metrosexual thing? Surely you aren't so homophobic that the word "metrosexual" is smear to you, are you? ...

" And next time you hear "We report, you decide", you'll know they're reporting lies,"

THAT, on the other hand, is smear. I think with Kerry's tastes he might certainly be considered metrosexual, that would be a subjective judgement. On the other hand accusing a media organization of lying, now that's something you can prove objectively... right... (This is where I omitted "... jackass ...?" )?

on Oct 01, 2004
Fox has already shown what they'll do, now they show us what they'd like to do. Let's not defend that.
on Oct 01, 2004
And what's the worst part? According to FOX News, they actually reprimanded the reporter for doing it! The NERVE of them! They are anti-Kerry to the max not like CBS, which did absolutely nothing to Dan Rather for his fake memo about Bush. In fact, they defended him for days! That's 'cause they're honest unbiased Democrats.
on Oct 01, 2004
"And next time you hear "We report, you decide", you'll know they're reporting lies, and the only thing they've decided is to treat you with disrespect."

OK so we write off FNC -- making jokes about Kerry being high maintenance, how dare they (BTW the trip to the beauty parlor was worth it, Kerry won the debate because he felt special)
and let's disregard CBS -- the forged document network
and CNN -- Tailwind
and NBC -- blowing up SUVs
and The New York Times -- take your pick
Chicago Sun-Times, Dallas Morning News, Newsday -- faked circulation figures
ABC screw up anything?
on Oct 01, 2004
" Fox has already shown what they'll do, now they show us what they'd like to do. Let's not defend that. "

Wow, I asked for an example, and you gave... *drumroll* ... NOTHING!!!

If you are going to call FoxNews liars, or say they've "shown what they'll do", why not give us an example so we won't automatically assume you are full of it?

on Oct 01, 2004
I thought the idea was funny, but yeah it was sort of impropriate but they dealt with the guy same day, not a week later or month later.

- GX
on Oct 01, 2004
yes, you should give us one
on Oct 01, 2004
CNN has 2 of its reporters on the Kerry payroll. Foxnews has 0 on the Bush payroll.

I was watching CNN after the republican convention and they had Larry King (don't get me started on him) and 3 guests.

guest 1: Advisor to President Clinton
guest 2: Anchor on the Black Entertainment Channel
guest 3: MTV reporter

If thats not biased...I dont know what the hell is..
on Oct 01, 2004
As anyone who's spent some time @ JoeUser over the past couple of months will recognize, blogic is grasping at any conceivable straw that comes in range. That he'd call this a "smear" is really funny. Contrast that with what our righteous Senator Ted has had to say recently and tell me who's doing the smearing; talk about having gall - calling Bush a liar with his history? - spare me.

Cameron's attempt at satire may have been politically incorrect, but pulleeez. Interesting that Fox called him on the carpet immediately for this minor infraction while CBS continues to stand behind the calculated smear effort of Rather, claiming he was the victim here. Which network should be considered to have more integrity? You tell me.

on Oct 02, 2004
I've been immunized by Fox's fair and balanced reporting. Too bad others cannot build an immunity when it comes to other channels.
on Oct 02, 2004
too bad steve, like the author, can't show wrongdoing to match all the "liar liar" junk.

I suppose the fact the network lacks their seal of approval should be enough for any of us.

I'd still love to know what the "smear" in this case was...