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blogic's Articles In Philosophy
May 25, 2004 by blogic
I find my thinking keeps returning to the theme of maturity. My guess is that I'll talk about it more, in this blog. There's a scene in Jurassic Park where the scientists look down the hill at a large water hold, with various dinosaurs clustered around it. I'm doing this from memory, but I think there are apatosauri at the waters edge, pteradactyls flocking above, and smaller dinos moving between the larger ones. The scene has always struck me. In the movie, it stands out as one of th...
May 26, 2004 by blogic
Ugh, that sounds a little too much like broccoli. I was just looking for a catchy subject. Okay, so I failed. Anyway, if you look at my last two entries, you'll see I'm analogizing between natural ecosystems, cities, and personalities. I think of my personality as being an ecosystem, much of which I still don't understand. I know that one computer science description of the brain is that it's a very slow computer, that multitasks to an enormous degree. For me, ecosystems, cities, ...
June 9, 2004 by blogic
Well, I'm back to my blog, after a break of about a week. Sorry, my mood hasn't been that great. I'm having trouble finding work, and the news from Iraq isn't helping my mood. I make a conscious effort to keep my blog from becoming topical, and that was difficult this week. Three or four weeks ago, my wife, her friend Jeff, and I were racing across Lower Manhattan in a Taxi. We had just finished some fusion Indian meal at an East Village restaurant. As I've mentioned, Jennifer and I live i...
June 8, 2004 by blogic
In the dark past, I kept a blog at another web site, which will not be named. Well, I went to Brazil, and amazingly blog worthy experiences, and forgot to keep blogging. In the meantime, my old blog site started charging lots of the green stuff. So, I've washed up on the shores of JoeUser. But giving my inherent laziness, and my current battle against caffeine deprivation (see my previous post), it was in the cards for me to recycle my old blog material. Furthermore, my wife is quite in...
May 27, 2004 by blogic
I've been listening to Ice-T's "Colors" the last day or two, on endless repeat. Predictably, that's led to lots of thinking about stalemated wars. By the way, I don't remember how good the movie is (although I do remember that it has a long love scene in the middle, that seems to go on for over 20 minutes, yawwwwn...), but an early scene has the camera viewpoint pulling back a riotous scene of young men in an LA jail, grabbing at each other between bars, seemingly trying to tear each other...