Jennifer (the wife) and I went out to walk the street fairs, today.
When the weather is good, New York is rampant with street fairs, every weekend day. Of course, all the street fairs have the same kinds of junk. Crystal cubes with silvery air bubble buildings, airbrushes of the World Trade Center, and the pickle place. The pickle place has great pickles, three for two bucks.
Walking back, we passed a chinese food place with a big yellow cat statue on the counter, right paw raised in salute. What the hell is that? Jennifer tells me that the cat brings good luck (what is the deal with the Chinese and good luck symbols? Don't they have enough already?), but to me it's pretty clear it's a Nazi cat, saluting a future fuhrer and his thousand year reign.
I'm Jewish, so the last thing I need is some cat planning the extermination of my people. That cat terrifies me. It looks like a fascist Hello Kitty, and really, wasn't Hello Kitty already fascist enough?