Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Published on May 25, 2004 By blogic In Humor
I live in the East Village, although that sounds better than the reality. People who know New York think divey bars and great unknown restaurants. Instead, think a big cheesy nightclub and a fast food place called "Roll 'N Roaster" on the corner.

R&R just opened. For months, they've been working on remodeling that building, and Jennifer was all excited about whatever was coming. I think she figured it would be a great Japanese restaurant. To be honest, I never thought about what it would be, but if I had, and had been feeling optimistic, I would have hoped for a bookstore or something. Maybe a videogame arcade.

I don't know why Jennifer thought there'd be a Japanese restaurant. The rest of the block has fast food chains, including Taco Bell. There is a good deli called "Galaxy" at the corner. The people there are realy nice and I love the space theme (well, of the name, at least).

Anyway, Jennifer was very disappointed when the chain R&R opened here, but I was okay with that. I went there today, and they gave me a tiny crappy basket of shrimp for seven fucking bucks. I took it up there and asked them about it, but apparently they gave me the right amount, which is to say, too little.

They also gave me one of those little plastic containers of tarter sauce, with the peel off plastic top. Like you get with McNuggets. Jennifer says I'm obsessed with this; as if I'm crazy to have expected more. But hell, if I'm paying $7, I don't know why they're skimping on the tarter sauce. I mean, are they sitting in back saying, "Go light on the tarter sauce, maybe he'll fill up on shrimp". It's not like the tarter sauce is made of gold.

For seven bucks, I can go to the local chinese restaurant ("Yummy House", which really is yummy), and get a great appetizer that's as filling as the shrimp basket.


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