For me, one of the hardest things about writing a blog entry is that I usually don't know say what I'm thinking about. I have a certain thought/feeling in my head, but I don't know how to set it down. I guess that distinguishes writers from the rest of us.
For example, I listen to the rock musical "Jesus Christ: Superstar" periodically. I've listened a lot to it recently, because Jennifer and I were cleaning up the apartment for my grandpa's visit, and we'd already burned out on much of our other music during the honeymoon drive.
There's a song where Pontius Pilate questions, lashes, and finally sentences Jesus. While lashing Jesus thirty-nine times, the music is a long repeating electric guitar riff. It's cool, and I always get an image of Pilate and Jesus sort of nodding at each other, grooving to the music.
There's emotional content to that image: something that relates to the vibe of JCS, and specifically to some sort of shared connection between Jesus and Pilate, and the significance of their roles in the story. But, I don't know how to make the emotional content felt to the people who read this entry. I think it has something to do with that fact that they are the players, while everyone else observes, but I'm not sure.
Maybe what defines a writer is his or her ability to know what she's talking about, without having to fumble around like this.