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Published on May 26, 2004 By blogic In Humor
Man, it's a hard knock life.

I sometimes listen to songs on endless repeat. I think Jennifer sometimes wants to kill me, hearing the same notes and lyrics, time after time after time.

It's my way to get back at her for playing Sunday public radio. NPR is like slow torture on Sundays. And I hate the fucking musical interludes.

Anyway, the problem is that after listening to a song a lot, you start to think it's deeper than it is, and you want to use it's lines for situtations in your life. Any situtions. All situations.

So, I'm listening to "Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)", which is Jay-Z's sample of the song from "Annie". He raps over the main melody. Now, all I want to do is tell people it's a hard knock life.

Jennifer has a bad day at work: "it's a hard knock life, babe". My friend Sam has a bad day, "it's a hard knock life, dude". My cheezy gordita is ready: "it's a hard knock life, miss".

The IRS writes for more money: "it's a hard knock life, um, Internal Revenue Service".


on May 26, 2004
Hey, don't worry.

The sun will come out tomorrow.....

on May 26, 2004
That's really funny!

If I were really concerned, I'd listen to "Sweet Caroline". I don't love the song, but I know that once I play it, I'll be hearing it in my head for the next two days.