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Must Resist Making Jokes She'll Make Me Regret
Published on June 3, 2004 By blogic In Personal Relationships
To my own shock, I remembered that Jennifer and I have been married for one month, as of today.

Wow. The month went by quickly, and I still have to take care of various wedding related matters. Such as sending out the remaining thank you notes. Thankfully, my loving friends and family are understanding, and I'm sure they're patient. Anyway, they know I procrastinate on everything.

And really, what the hell do I care? It's not as if I'm getting married again any time soon. See, I tricked them with the whole wedding thing, and there's nothing they can do about it now, thank you note or not.

Seriously, it's been a wonderful month with my wife. I've gotten used to my ring, and am twisting it less often. I'm introducing her as my wife most of the time. For the first week or two after the wedding, she was still most often my girlfriend.

I feel very lucky to be with her, and that she puts up with all my quirks, cute and otherwise. I feel happy every time I hold her hand, and feel her ring underneath my fingers.


on Jun 03, 2004
That's so sweet.
on Jun 04, 2004
Well, I really do feel that way. I have to admit, I'm still amazed that I'm married, but I have no doubt that I'm a better man for it.