But Please Don't Purge Inflammatory Bloggers
I hate slow walkers.
Slow walkers are those people who slowly drift along the sidewalk, hallway, or pedestrian tunnel, sometimes listing to the left or to the right, blocking you as you try to get to an appointment, or to work on time.
You try to scoot around the slow walker, but they're unaware of their surroundings, never move to let you past, and worst yet, just as you dart to that opening on the slow walker's left, the slow walker meanders into your path. Foiled again!
By the nature of things, slow walkers are often not the thinnest of people, which just makes it more challenging to escape past them. The open margins at their sides are thin, offering little chance of escape from being trapped behind their dirgelike pace.
A related species is the door talker. Door talkers stand around with their coworkers in the middle of the door way or other passageway constriction, hindering all traffic that tries to get through. The thought process of the door talker seems to be: "Where is the place I'm most likely to block traffic... I'm so there!" Door talkers love to hang out in front of revolving doorways, and at the ends of elevators. They make no effort to move as you awkwardly squeeze yourself around the door talker clump, trying to get to your train on time.
The only way to get their attention is to walk between the door talkers. At that point, their heads swivel to follow you, eyes squinted in menace, faces venting hostility that you were so rude as to interrupt their conversation.