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The War Between the Childless and the Childed
Published on June 10, 2004 By blogic In Humor
Parents give me strange looks at the science museum.

I can tell they're looking at me. Who is that guy? I don't see any kids with him. Does he want to molest my son?

The problem is, I love science museums. I'm fucking insane about the Exploratorium, in San Francisco. They have this incredible holographic screw: you reach out to touch it, and your fingers pass right through. I know, doesn't sound like much, but it is.

But you know the parents are thinking: Why's he near my son, next to that screw?. Hey, it's not my fault screws are indecent, and the hologram is really cool!

on Jun 10, 2004
You're not alone. I get those looks too. I was at one in Florida a couple of years ago and was messing around with a static electricity one for awhile and people kept wondering where my kids were.
on Jun 10, 2004
lol! that was great. I feel you though, I really do. I get the same look when I go into the toy store without any children. Its awful, its not my fault I'm in love with electronic toys! I've been told that when I have children, I will give the same look.. *shrugs* who knows..

Ashlee Ryder
on Jun 10, 2004
Reply To: Draginol

Yeah. Kind of the same way, when my wife and I go into the local dog park (she really wants to get a dog), she's worried that the pet owners are watching us, suspiciously.
on Jun 10, 2004
Reply To: Ashlee Ryder

Well, here in NYC, there are enough weird people in any store, that the toy stores seem to be safe for adults. On the other hand, the Toys R Us down the street is such a dump, with lots of stuff littering the floor, that you'd probably not want to hang out there.