Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
I'm rarely topical, since I realize many people are doing a better job of covering current events than I would.

That said, my degree is in political science, and I come from a politically active family. My mom was even interviewed on CNN, during Persian Gulf War I. She was protesting in front of San Francisco's City Hall.

I find it hard to be funny when I talk about politics, especially the current ones. In fact, if in 2000 I had been ironically overstating how bad politics could get, to get a laugh, it would have been less shocking than the reality of 2004.

Bush is worse than I ever imagined. In 2000, my wife Jennifer predicted that a Bush presidency would be much worse than a Gore one, and I laughed at her. I'm not laughing now.

My friends talk about moving to other countries, such as Canada, and I find that hard to take seriously. I mean, come on, how many liberals talk about moving, and just become the target of jokes after they continue to live in America. Frankly, I'm American to my core, and have no desire to move. I don't want to leave this country; I want Bush to stop distorting it with his welfare for the rich, and his neo-McCarthyist message: that questioning his policies is somehow treason.

One of the consequences of the 50-50 division of the country between blue states and red is that the Northeast is as liberal as Canada and most of Europe. Republicans in New York City are few and far between, and gay marriage is a total non-issue here. We feel mercy, not scorn, for the homeless on our sidewalks, and don't describe evolution and global warming as "merely theories".

The Right behaves as if we want to pervert the country, but right now, the Left would settle for an end to the assault on our beliefs and our states. The Right used to argue for states' rights, but now it's rushing madly to rewrite the Constitutions; using it to strip away the liberty of Americans.

Here in New York City, it's tempting not to talk about politics. Maybe that's why I usually focus on describing the irrelevant. Manhattan is protected by it's surrounding rivers, its soaring bridges holding the red politics at bay.

While liberal elites can protect themselves in the Northeast, and pontificate about moving away, the powerless are at the mercy of Bush and the fanatical connservatives who see themselves as the hand of God. As the Left retreats, blacks are disenfranchized, single mothers are left destitute, and the working poor are stripped of healthcare.

It's time to push back. The Left must fight.

on Jun 12, 2004
I could not agree more! Excellent article.
on Jun 13, 2004
It's the right, not the left, that needs to snap into shape, and I expect they will. Bush's character is wearing thin on Americans. Ashcroft is under fire, and the neocons are growing unpopular with the public. Confidence is not high. The boat is full of leaks. Americans are ready to elect a flip-flopping, opportunistic, wind-bag to the whitehouse. Imagine what they'll say when they realize he's not a flip-flopping, opportunistic windbag after all.
on Jun 13, 2004
Yes and the left would've had a major score, if the Democrats chosen Edwards instead of Kerry, to be the top canidate. i know this has nothing to do with the topic (well kinda), but democrats (who are basically the left), would've had an united front to fight the right with. Edwards, who slipped closely behind Kerry (damn women), would've been a better figurehead of the Left's return to the white house. I mean, although he's not as liberal as Kerry, Edwards is also not as wishy-washy or so disputed. I will probably make a post about this later, but on with the topic.

Now as well know, Bush is just another president like Nixon, of so much infamy and hate. He is on the black list of presidents who have had one of the worst ratings ever, plus hes a fool with a speech impediment and iq of 40 (around there). He went to Iraq and forgot terrorism, he decided to follow Reagan's course (tax cuts for the wealthy, but forgetting the general public part) and not one of the current, and he divided america.

The left's only chance is playing the presidency, and letting the remaining five months follow. I know Bush will make a bigger fool of himself, I just know he will make a major blunder or two down the road, and the left should pounce on every one. It might be dirty, but politics is basically that, dirty. We also need to start uniting, as democrats (leftists) are still disenchanted with the front runner and his stance on things. Only then, can we crash Bush's plan for world domination.
on Jun 13, 2004
my biggest concern is that the bush campaign, taking its lead from the reagan/bush october surprise, has bin laden stashed away somewhere (i previously believed it would be some place that was sequestered and not likely to attract the press like the reagan ranch but that one sorta went out the window last week)
on Jun 13, 2004
yeah but there is a flaw...if there is such as a thing called the october surprise, and everyone already knows about it? how is it a surprise? if he gets bin laden in october or some other month, it'll just prove he was keeping the leader of al-queda and DECIEVING us. Maybe the general public might not know (most of them are ignorant), but us intellectuals and poltical actives are sure to put this to his face. No...although Bush is stupid, he has a team of devious "World Dominationist/Fascist" men who will surprise us even more...let's just see. I maybe wrong.