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The Tide Goes Out
Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Bush Only Succeeds in Reforming Meaning of the Word "Reform"
Published on August 6, 2004 By
Earlier today, I picked up the New York Times, and saw
this bit
Bush said he is fighting ``a lot of entrenched interests'' in
Washington, but said he would pursue the effort until it is
``It's not enough to advocate reform; you've got to get the job done,''
the president told cheering supporters at a picnic.
Now, I know that successful politicians are made of a cloth printed with "I'm a Washington outsider", but I'm amazed that people persist in seeing Dubya as the second George who could not tell a lie. What are the entrenched interests he's fighting? Republicans control the Presidency and Congress. When the Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott wasn't loyal enough, Bush let him twist in the wind until he was replaced by a Bush soldier: Bill Frist. No wonder we're in such a crappy economic state, Bush
the entrenched interest, and he's not even willing to admit it.
Go Bush! Throw out the bums who control Washington!
What is he snorting?
Bush's newest thing is to talk about "Results Matter", and to describe himself as a reformer. How are we going to talk about Bush to the generations of the future? "Daddy, didn't the terrorism get worse as he was President? Didn't terror alerts come more frequently
the war in Iraq?" Our children will think we were nuts. Yes, results matter, and Bush's excellent adventure in Iraq has diverted our attention and resources from stopping those who attacked us on 9/11. Then these future generations will start asking about the Bush reforms, because after all, Bush does "advocate reform". How did he advocate creating a Department of Homeland Security? By threatening to veto it's creation until it was clear his veto would be overwritten. Bush similarly led the effort to investigate the intelligence failures of 9/11, by repeatedly threatening to veto that Commission's creation, and he recently confirmed his reformist nature by loudly opposing having a single person managing all of American intelligence assets, until it was clear he was risking a political scandal.
As I said, I realize that all politicians try to position themselves such; but it's pathetic that so many of Bush's supporters believe the rhetoric. If you want to support Bush because you like his policies: go for it. Someone needs to worry about the super rich, and at least he's simplying military bureaucratic paperwork by slowly having all of his "disappeared". Bush should campaign on a pledge to eliminate all paper work that's connected to recording votes or his national guard record!
But don't support Bush because he's an outsider, or a reformer. Bush
the government, and he's spent three years fighting every suggested reform of American domestic security.
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Depression's End
on Aug 07, 2004
I am not a great writer and may not even be the brightest light in the house but I think I am an average american and here is my thoughts on Bush. I am 40 years old and can remember back to the Ford days. I have never seen such a president as Bush. He is the most dishonest I have run across. I think he had it out for Sadam (and yes he needed to go) from the day troops pulled out of Desert Storm. His views were not very objective in reviewing the intelligence reports on Iraq and their WMD's because of his bias about the ordeal with his father. He was to quick to redeem his fathers good name and jumped at the first chance to go into Iraq, and most people know a leader cannot do the job properly when acting on emotions rather than facts. For this reason I see him as hishonest and incompitent. He along with Ashcroft, has done more to take away the rights of Americans than any other president in history.
on Aug 07, 2004
``It's not enough to advocate reform; you've got to get the job done,''
Aye, and that's what Kerry wants to do.
on Aug 07, 2004
He is the most dishonest I have run across.
Dragonfly: The rightists are going to hammer you for this. Good show, brother!
on Aug 07, 2004
I'd rather not comment on political threads, I'm not gifted with debate skills and this site only gets my BP rocketing, no need to encourage that.
However, I felt I needed to post simply to show that there ARE other democrats on this site (assuming previous posters and authors are such).
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