Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Published on September 3, 2004 By blogic In Politics
After gauging the harsh reaction from Democrats and Republicans alike to Sen. Zell Miller’s keynote address at the Republican National Convention, the Bush campaign — led by the first lady — backed away Thursday from Miller’s savage attack on Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, insisting that the estranged Democrat was speaking only for himself.
Zell Miller was the featured keynote speaker at the convention, but now we're supposed to believe he was only speaking for himself?

For those who haven't been following this, Miller went on to all but challenge Chris Matthews to a duel, which has led to days of references, between my wife and I, to the "tomacco" Simpsons episode which also features Homer challenging everyone to duels.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 03, 2004

What about the remote interview thing? I think most of us haven't ever done one.

Basically you can't even see who you're talking to. You are wearing an ear plug and stare at a camera.  Mathews was outside in a loud crowd and because it was loud there, he was being very loud when he talked (like we all would be).  To Miller, though, it must have seemed like Mathews was screaming at him and worse, because of the background, what Mathews said was probably not coming through clearly. Just loud and angry sounding.

Similarly, Mathews could barely hear what Miller was saying I suspect and kept interupting Miller.  The combination would irritate pretty much anyone I suspect let along someone as crochtety as Miller.

on Sep 04, 2004
Do you really believe that he wasn't speaking for himself?

he was the republican convention KEYNOTE SPEAKER. {i'd put that in blink and scroll if i could}

what does a keynote speaker do? isn't he supposed to set the tone and express their ideals at a convention?

on Sep 04, 2004
russellmz2 -

Did you LISTEN to his speech?

what does a keynote speaker do? isn't he supposed to set the tone and express their ideals at a convention?

Get over it. I don't believe there is a regulation or law anywhere proscribing the tone or content of a keynote speech, and the latter should be the candidate's job, anyway.

on Sep 04, 2004
Yes, the Republican party actually believes in letting people speak for themselves and have their own opinions

Ohhh please! You mean just like when John McCain spoke his mind (about Bush) and Dennis Hastert "pounced" on him for being unpatriotic? That party has always been the most exclusive of any - unless you are a white male that speaks the same line as the others. Sure they have a few "tokens" on display to try and portray the party as inclusive because they don't have a chance to win if they don't.
on Sep 04, 2004
I never realized Dennis Hastert represented the entire Republican Party.
on Sep 04, 2004
Zel Miller had the many Democrats attack him, along with DNC heads, so is that INCLUSIVE?
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