After gauging the harsh reaction from Democrats and Republicans alike to Sen. Zell Miller’s keynote address at the Republican National Convention, the Bush campaign — led by the first lady — backed away Thursday from Miller’s savage attack on Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, insisting that the estranged Democrat was speaking only for himself.
i sure hope chris is a better shot--or more agile--than al hamilton
I was actually watching Hardball when that happened and I could see why Zell Miller was pissed off. The guy is a 80 year old krotchety guy, and doesn't tend to put up with nonsense. A lot of that had to do with the remote interview thing (and if you've ever done a remote interview, you know what I mean).
Daiwa, I like the cut of your jib I saw the interviews with Laura Bush and I don't know how it was construed as turning her back on Zell. She out right said she had never met John or Theresa and didn't have the experience that Zell was working from.
I totally believe that Zell got flooded with requests for interviews. After his heated throw down with Chris Mathews, which I thought was thoroughly entertaining, everyone wanted to talk to him.
I can't help but feel like the Democrats are dishing it out but crying foul when they get served their own medicine. Kerry got his lawyers to put heat on the publisher of the Swift Boat Vet's book and any station that was playing any of the SBVFT ads. Kerry hasn't said anything to discredit what they have been saying. All he has done is try to silence the opposition by crying foul play. He didn't watch the President's speech at the RNC but came up with the juvenile line "RNC stands for Really Not Compassionate".
Somehow it is just fine for Kerry to keep saying that Bush mislead us into war (never mind that he himself voted for it and stated that he had been telling America for years that Saddam was an imminent threat) but Zell can't point out that Kerry voted against arming our soldiers. Kerry claims that the Republicans questioned his patriotism and called him unfit to lead. I would like to see the quotes because I sure didn't hear them first hand.
I think the whole "Repubs turning their backs on Zell" spin is intended to make Zell regret what he did. I highly doubt he did it for the REpublican party. I believe he did it based on his own convictions. Now "get out of my face!"