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Bush is No Churchill
Published on September 7, 2004 By blogic In Politics
This is from Andrew Sullivan's blog:
People need leaders who level with them about failures and difficulties in wartime - not gauzy North Korean-style biopics about the invincibility of the Great Leader. But then this war, vital as it is, has been exploited by the Bushies for political purposes since it began. How else to explain the "Mission Accomplished" photo-op or the bare-knuckled 2002 Congressional campaign? Some on the left would have politicized this war under any circumstances. But others might have rallied to a war that was conducted with less hardball domestic politics. In this, Bush is, of course, the opposite of Churchill, who brought in opposition leaders to play key roles in his war-cabinet.
Sullivan is a Republican who -- after months of consideration -- has decided he cannot support George Bush.

on Sep 07, 2004
How then do you explain Zell Millers recent key note address at the republican convention?
on Sep 07, 2004
blogic -

What are you? A writer for a soap opera? Spinning the War to Turn Brother Against Brother? What melodramatic crap.

OK, sorry, it is your blog.

Bush may not be Churchill. But then Kerry may not be Neville Chamberlain, either.

And the constant hitting on the "Mission Accomplished photo-op" grates on me. Their mission was indeed accomplished, it was Tommy Franks's idea (he has publicly acknowledged it), and I find nothing inherently wrong about giving those sailors & naval aviators a rousing Thank You for a job spectacularly done.

To the left, every similar situation is a "crass photo-op" when it's the political opposition doing it; when they do the same thing (don't even try to tell me they don't), it's just good, smart politics.

I know, I know, the guy's a Republican, and he's as entitled to his opinion as anyone, but that he has it hardly means the first shot in the War of Fratricide has been fired, for cripe's sake.
