Separated by 16 years, two of the most famous and controversial TV ads in presidential campaign history share a remarkable set of traits. Both were launched by nominally independent groups, not by the candidates themselves. Both aired in just a few small markets, gaining widespread exposure only through news media coverage. Both were denounced as inaccurate and unfair. And both the "Willie Horton" spot of 1988 and the 2004 campaign's initial commercial by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth slammed a Democrat from Massachusetts and helped a Republican candidate named George Bush. In both the Horton and Swift boat cases, the respective Bush campaigns disclaimed responsibility, saying the ads were the work of unaffiliated groups. But in both instances, news media reports subsequently exposed ties between the official campaigns and the independent groups. ...And neither of the Bush campaigns specifically repudiated the controversial spots...
To me, Swift Boat seems as pro-Busy/anti-Kerry as seems pro-Kerry/anti-Bush. Of course, one could argue (unsuccessfully) that Swift Boat would still making ads if Kerry wasn't running.
Aren't there real reasons for disliking Bush? Why not focus on those instead of pretending that Kerry doesn't benefit from the negative ads of and isn't in any way connected to them.
Since when is the Daily Show known for objectivity and accuracy?
How does Bush end up worse for having a lawyer on his campaign resign when found to be working with a negative 527 group while Kerry still has lawyers from his campaign assisting negative 527 groups?
So, because somebody said that, and because you agree with it, that makes it true?
So, Bush controls what ads the Swift Boat Veterans create? Does that mean Kerry controls the ads makes as well? If so, then why should anybody believe him when he condemns the ad?
Nice jab to the right. There's really no point in discussing anything with you, is there?
By the way, I'll take a number from the honest anti-Bush ads and quote Kerry: "I... hate... Jews..." I'm not falsifying anything, so there's nothing wrong with it.
Remember everybody. Kerry hates Jews. He said so himself: "I... hate... Jews..." - John Kerry