Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
From the Los Angeles Times:
Pentagon investigators believe the CIA has held as many as 100 "ghost" detainees in Iraq without revealing their identities or locations, a much greater number than previously disclosed, a senior Defense Department official told Congress on Thursday.

However, the precise number of undisclosed prisoners and the conditions in which they have been held remain a mystery, said Army Gen. Paul Kern, because CIA officials have refused to cooperate with Pentagon investigators, denying repeated requests for documents and information on the detainees.
This is not good.

on Sep 10, 2004
No, this is great! This is what America stands for, this is a principle the terrorists can not touch no matter how hard they may try to crush our spirit and noble purpose, this is a Pax Americana pillar!

This is what we must do to protect the homeland, let us never bow to outside tyrrany that threatens American superiority!

on Sep 10, 2004

CIA May Have Held 100 'Ghost' Prisoners

By: blogic
Posted: Friday, September 10, 2004 on My Galaxy is Milky Way Adjacent
Message Board: Politics
From the Los Angeles Times:
Pentagon investigators believe the CIA has held as many as 100 "ghost" detainees in Iraq without revealing their identities or locations, a much greater number than previously disclosed, a senior Defense Department official told Congress on Thursday.

However, the precise number of undisclosed prisoners and the conditions in which they have been held remain a mystery, said Army Gen. Paul Kern, because CIA officials have refused to cooperate with Pentagon investigators, denying repeated requests for documents and information on the detainees.
This is not good.


To be quite honest blogic, I would NOT trust SPIT coming from the LA Times.