Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
This is Republican blogger Andrew Sullivan:
THREE TRILLION DOLLARS: It doesn't even sound better when Dr Evil says it. That's what George W. Bush's proposals for his second term would cost. Actually, that's just the cost of keeping tax relief in place and privatizing part of social security. It excludes the costs of the war or the other fast-expanding parts of Bush's Big Government. In terms of fiscal responsibility, it's way worse than John F. Kerry; and if the Congress remains in Republican hands, there will be nothing to stop the president from trying to spend or borrow all of it. Medicare alone is a nightmare:
While Congress squabbles over whether the administration hid the new prescription drug benefit's 10-year cost - pegged by the White House at $534 billion versus CBO's $395 billion - the actual liability incurred by the new drug benefit is estimated at $8 trillion to $12 trillion.
I know I'm a broken record, but it seems to me that blogs should not only point out where mainstream media is wrong or blinkered, but also where leading politicians are being irresponsible. It is simply irresponsible either to propose vast new spending, while cynically knowing none of it will happen; or to mean it and have no good accounting for how we can afford it. I cannot understand how Bush is getting away with it: the destruction of fiscal conservatism for a generation.

on Sep 14, 2004

Because Bush knows that he will never be the one who has to fix it.
on Sep 14, 2004
This is the reason Bush is able to so easily pepper Kerry in deriding his healthcare plan. He was quoted as saying that Kerry could not pass this "complex blueprint" without raising taxes, now we know why. I've got an idea Americans, let's vote out the suckers in congress and the guy leading them on in the exec. branch out of office if for no other reason then to tell government we're not happy.

With American dollars supporting Iraq ($132,547,000,000 and counting see and ever-expensive healthcare costs (1.3 trillion spent last year, now 1.8 trillion being spent by the American people on skyrocketing costs) it's obvious the tax cut band aid isn't going to do much for us. We need real comprehensive policy that is soluble, not an indebted public waiting for a bankrupt government to bail us out.

America : WTF?
on Sep 14, 2004
Or, as other conspiracy theories have it, saddling the Fed Gov with incredible debt is as good a method as any for shrinking it (or shrinking it to a size that you can drag it into the bathroom and drown it).

This is one of those places we might want to look at President Bush's leadership record. Has he ever left a business or state better off for his management of it? Doesn't he usually get out before the crash and make as much profit as he can for himself?

Glad to see that some GOP are worried about this.
on Sep 14, 2004
Ooh. Anyone hear of Bustco? Mr. Bush's failed oil company comes to mind when Bush's "leadership" is mentioned...