Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
From the BBC:
The US administration wants to re-allocate billions of reconstruction dollars for Iraq and spend them instead on security and other short-term needs.
For those who have followed this, only about 5% of the reconstruction money earmarked by Congress has been spent. Now the Bush administration wants to detour more money. This is why the Iraqis aren't throwing flowers at our men and women in uniform.

on Sep 15, 2004
Can anyone say,"Private Slush Fund".

Deception and Ignorance are dangerous partners. Wake up people.
on Sep 15, 2004
Damn those "short term needs" like security! Yet when Iraqi civilians are blown up by the dozens because they are waiting in line for jobs as police, officers of the law, civil servants... there rises the cry against, not the insurgents, but the Americans, for lack of security.
on Sep 15, 2004

I was thinking about that. Really no point in reconstruction if whatever's being built is going to be destroyed by insurgents (fighting for the people!) soon anyway.

on Sep 16, 2004
If that's what they need to do to provide security then that's what they must do.

They do need to clearly identify where, when and how money is being spent and whether the American tax payer is getting the best value out of that money.
