Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
From the Associated Press:
Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee said Monday he plans to support his party in November but may write in a candidate instead of voting for President Bush.

Chafee has opposed the administration's push to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and has criticized Bush's handling of the postwar reconstruction of Iraq ... He said he's "not OK" with the conservative platform from the Republican convention.
Republicans deserve a better leader than Bush.

on Sep 20, 2004
YES THEY DO. Write in Mccain.
on Sep 20, 2004
Heh. I'd vote for McCain. He sold his soul this year to be the nominee in 2008 in my opinion.
on Sep 20, 2004
I'd vote anyone but bush, and if that meant McCain, then McCan it is. I voted McCain in primary 2000, too bad Georgy won. Hillary or McCain everyone?
on Sep 20, 2004
on Sep 20, 2004
Breaking News: GOP Senator Says He May Not Vote for Bush

That's because he likes Dick, get it.

I should quit watching those damn Confucius says from Crank Yankers.

Confucius says man who farts in church sits in own pew, get it.
on Sep 20, 2004
on Oct 18, 2004
I wish someone would start a write-in John McCain campaign. I did a google search and this is one of hundreds of responses of people who want to write in McCain. We live in central PA and we have talked to many people who are writing him in because they don't like their choice and could really give a damn which guy gets in. One's as bad as the other.
on Oct 18, 2004
Chafee has actually said that will be writing in the first President Bush for President as he is still eligible for one term.
on Nov 01, 2004
Ha Ha Bush
on Nov 01, 2004
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What is that for?

on Nov 01, 2004
how did i know this was created by blogic? hes the only one who sits and lists people who support Kerry. Seriously, how many articles do you have that are EXACTLY like this one?
on Nov 01, 2004
This ought to balance out Zell Miller