Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
From the New York Post (scroll to end):
The hot rumor in New York political circles has Roger Stone, the longtime GOP activist, as the source for Dan Rather's dubious Texas Air National Guard "memos."
Stone was a leading organizer of a Republican attack on three Florida Supreme Court justices, during the 2001 Florida recount, and he's had legal problems because of laws broken by that scheme. He's also a longtime acquaintance of Karl Rove.

on Sep 21, 2004
I was wondering when the left would manufacture a GOP conspiracy theory to cover their own tracks. I heard another "hot rumor" that the GOP is responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs too.
on Sep 21, 2004
Kind of doubtful that someone would commit a federal crime with the intention of the crime being uncovered. If a Democrat forged the document, and if their plan worked, their crime wouldn't be discovered. If a Republican did it, the whole POINT would be for the crime to be discovered, endangering themselves.

I find it difficult to believe that Republicans would hatch a plot and then scream for an investigation into who is behind it...
on Sep 21, 2004
Yeah, I read Maureen Dowd speculating on this one. And it, like much that she writes, was annoying.

Hey guess, what? The Bush Administration is weakening safety standards on nuclear reactors. And people are still dying in Darfur. And Iraq. And Afghanistand, Tajikistan, hmm let's see, China's still a human rights nightmare and we're still sucking on the oil tit of a country that provided 79% of the 9/11 hijackers. Belief in global warming is out, belief in an invisible god is still in, despite there being a tad more evidence of the former -- and evolution is still somewhat of a bugbear. Teachers are overworked and underpaid and standardized testing isn't helping our students very much. My health insurance premiums have doubled in the past two years. Oh, yeah, but we're all worried that Karl Rove might have pulled a big dirty trick? This is a non-story. Bush in the guard is a non-story.
on Sep 21, 2004
I heard another "hot rumor" that the GOP is responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs too.

No, just the environment!
on Sep 21, 2004
I find it doubtful that a big-name GOP activist would so threaten his own party.

Regardless, Bush is STILL a moron.