Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
From the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON - A London-to-Washington flight was diverted to Maine when it was discovered that passenger Yusuf Islam — formerly known as singer Cat Stevens — was on a government watch list and barred from entering the country.

United Airlines Flight 919 was en route to Dulles International Airport when the match was made Tuesday between a passenger and a name on the watch list, said Nico Melendez, a spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration.

The plane was met by federal agents at Maine's Bangor International Airport around 3 p.m., Melendez said.

Homeland Security Department spokesman Dennis Murphy identified the passenger as Islam. "He was interviewed and denied admission to the United States on national security grounds," Murphy said.
That rumble you hear is the crumbling resolve of Al-Qaeda.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 22, 2004


You are correct. However, please note the state department did not declare him a terrorist, but rather a POTENTIAL terror threat, and denied him entry into a country where he does not have, nor has ever had, citizenship.

Travel to other countries is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. It IS, however, the country's right to deny admittance.

on Sep 22, 2004
So where did he go if he was denyed entry to the USA?? Where is he now?? Did he get kicked off the planet??
on Sep 22, 2004
Whew, Gideon. I'd really be worried if the state department was calling him a terrorist. No, my response was for the use of terrorist on this thread, and specifically by Dr. Guy.

I am actually okay with the denied entry thing, in this case. Go figure.
on Sep 22, 2004
"Stretch the definition of terrorist too far and it will become meaningless. "

But if you don't stretch it far enough people won't take the harm they do seriously. There are wealthy Arabs all over the Middle East pumping money into Hamas that don't consider themselves terrorists.

People need to be made to see that buying the bomb vests is just as bad, if not worse, than wearing them. It isn't the suicide bombers that are the main threat, since they only die once. The real threat are the people that keep funding their attacks. One causes a single attack, the other causes innumerable attacks.
on Sep 23, 2004
Funny, if this had been some gangsta rap star, people wouldn't have batted an eye.

They all live in America - you dont hear about them being deported because other countries aren't anally retentive and draconian when it comes to immigration... People seem to forget Yusuf Islam also supported the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against America, which he condemned.

let me just say I am glad Muggaz is just a handle, and not on my passport... I purchased a Muslim some lunch once...

on Sep 23, 2004
you dont hear about them being deported because other countries aren't anally retentive and draconian when it comes to immigration

What country do you live in Muggaz?? Umm.. .doesnt the australian government currently hold quite a number of detainees in detention centres across the country?? The majority of them being muslim.

Im sorry if it seems like I am attacking you Muggaz but it seems to me you are blinded by the fact that our government is closely alligned with the bush administration on the majority of issues which you are pissed off about, and you support the coalition!
on Sep 23, 2004
What country do you live in Muggaz?? Umm.. .doesnt the australian government currently hold quite a number of detainees in detention centres across the country?? The majority of them being muslim.

They are illegal refugees mate... not deported or held because they are Muslim, but because they did not have permission to enter, which is classified the norm in Australia, actually, I am pretty sure you need to apply to immigrate to most countries... they are not at all in detention because they are Muslim, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a moron.

quit hijacking threads and talk about it somewhere else, I will happily explain my justification...

on Sep 23, 2004
they are not at all in detenetion because they are Muslim, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a moron.

I didnt say that they were detained because they were Muslim but that the majority of them are Muslim.
quit hijacking threads and talk about it somewhere else, I will happily explain my justification...

Im not hijacking threads just pointing out that your arguments dont match up to your political interests.
on Sep 23, 2004
If you cant understand that the American republican party is a lot further right than our centralist right sided governement which is but a heartbeat away from our centralist left Labor party... well... I cant help you...

Sorry for the thread hijack blogic, i just needed to explain some politics to my friend here...

on Sep 23, 2004
Hmm Muggaz maybe you need to really take a closer look at the policies of the Howard government.

Do you think we should let Cat Stevens in Australia? Do you think the gracious immigration policies of the Howard government would allow him to enter our country or do you think he would be refused entry?

You constantly refuse to acknowledge that our country is also at war alongside the americans yet you attack them for it and refuse to acknowledge that it is the policies of the howard government that brought us to this decision. Yet you continue to write article apon article attacking the bush administration for its policies which are supported wholeheartedly by the Howard government, a government that you support.

I just dont get it and Im sure many of the Americans who read these blogs dont get either. Take a look at what the Howard government is doing to our country before you go on attacking the policies of the bush administration of which are closely similar to those of our own government.

on Sep 23, 2004
You know what the difference is PB? America is a world Super Power, Australia is not.... Australia would most certainly let Yusuf Islam in our borders, of this I have no doubt... none at all. Why? because John Howard and the Liberal goverment aren't complete morons. Do I agree with the war in Iraq? no. Do I agree with the way our country has been run over the last 8 years or however long he has been in government compared to how it was run under Keating and Hawke? Yes.

Iraq is the only policy we share with America... and like I have said on other threads, if the truth was told, John Howard wouldn't have gone... I can see past that, I guess you cant.

Sorry for the hijack again blogic.

on Sep 23, 2004

Smack me for my shameless self promotion.

on Sep 23, 2004
"admin" mugz strikes again.

I dont see this as hijacking, its a legit response.

It's a response to a comment, and another article, not the article in question...

sorry blogic, I never put any admin hat on, nor did I mean to, I was merely apologising for what I thought was hijacking on both mine and PB's part... Australian politics have nothing to do with this thread.

I wonder if Yusuf Islam would be refused entry into Suadi Arabia because he supported the survivors of 9/11 charities? I guess it is the Saudi's right... doesn't mean I have to agree with them!

It isn't the suicide bombers that are the main threat, since they only die once. The real threat are the people that keep funding their attacks. One causes a single attack, the other causes innumerable attacks.

Saudi Oil money my friend - of course, thats just speculation... but aren't the American government some of the biggest investors in Saudi Arabia, with the highest radicalised islamic beleifs in the world? clean up your own backyard before you clean anyone elses...

of course, all speculation...

on Sep 23, 2004

Reply #4 By: BakerStreet - 9/22/2004 1:29:00 PM
"I heard this on the news this morning and laughed my ass off. Yeah, the singer of "peace train" is a suspected terrorist."

The singer of "peace train" that supports the assassination of "enemies of Islam" and who had donated money and material to Hamas. I suppose a few hit songs gives you a free-ride when it comes to actively supporting suicide bombers...

Actually, I really thought it was funny, not that I didn't think it could be true, it's just funny.  It's funny to think of somebody who was a Hippy in the 70's being on a terrorist watch list now.

I think the whole thing is just a media frenzy.  We shouldn't even have to justify it when we don't allow somebody in.  Last I checked, there wasn't anything saying that our borders are open for anyone to enter.  Hell, even our business associates from the UK get questioned like crazy when coming to the US for business.  I can only imagine what happens if you are on a "watch list" (And, I am sure that you only get put on it for good reason)

on Sep 23, 2004

They are illegal refugees mate... not deported or held because they are Muslim, but because they did not have permission to enter,

Yusuf Islam wasn't denied entry because he was Muslim. He was denied entry because of his financial support for terror groups. He didn't have permission to enter, either.

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