Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
This is a transcript from the Daily Show (via Salon):
JON STEWART: Well Stephen, what do you think is going to happen now at CBS News?

STEPHEN COLBERT, Daily Show Senior Media Correspondent: Jon, there's got to be some accountability. Dan Rather is the head, the commander in chief if you will of his organization. He's someone in the ultimate position of power who made a harmful decision based upon questionable evidence. Then, to make things worse, he stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, choosing instead to stay the course and essentially occupy this story for too long. This man has got to go!

STEWART: Uh ... we're talking about Dan Rather...?

COLBERT: Yes Jon, Dan Rather. CBS is in chaos, it's unsafe, riven by internal rivalries. If you ask me, respected, reputable outsiders need to be brought in to help the rebuilding effort.

STEWART: ... at CBS News?

COLBERT: Yeah, at CBS news! What possible other unrelated situation could my words be equally applicable to?! Now people need to be held accountable. The commander in chief, the vice president, the secretary of defense, the national security adviser -- everyone at CBS News needs to go! Jon, I can tell you, Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave.

STEWART: Walter Cronkite is still alive.

COLBERT: Not according to my sources ... at CBS News.
Argh, I wish I had cable! The rest of America gets Jon Stewart, while I'm stuck watching the "Problems Solvers" on the 10 o'clock local news.

on Sep 23, 2004
You can watch this at
on Sep 23, 2004
And this kind of crap is why I dont watch the Daily Show anymore. I know that they are kidding, but it makes no sense... how can you compare Rather's mistake to Bush's supposed "mistake" (ya know, some of us DON'T consider it a mistake!).
on Sep 23, 2004
Are you saying that you didn't enjoy The Daily Show when they lampooned Clinton and Gore too? Because I personally thought it was funny then and the "news" is funny now. Then again I also enjoy the SNL skits about politics too...