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Bush Admits 'Terrorist' Hamdi Not So Bad After All
Published on September 24, 2004 By blogic In Politics
From Slate:
"Nevermind, Hamdi Wasn't So Bad After All" by Dahlia Lithwick

If you've followed the government's claims in the Yaser Esam Hamdi case, you would think the guy was some unstoppable, lethal killing machine, the Taliban's own Hannibal Lecter -- a man so evil, he requires permanent warehousing down a bottomless hole.

So the Bush administration's decision to release Hamdi is stunning, given that only months ago he was so dangerous that the government insisted in front of the U.S. Supreme Court and the world that he could reasonably be locked up for all time, without a trial or criminal charges. At oral argument before that court, Deputy Solicitor General Paul D. Clement insisted that "[n]o principle of the law or logic requires the United States to release an individual from detention so that he can rejoin the battle," especially, while we "still have 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

Hamdi's case, decided by the Supreme Court earlier this year, was supposed to represent a high-water mark for American freedoms during wartime. He had fought for and won his day in court, an opportunity to question his captors, and a chance at national vindication at the end of it all. Hamdi's name stood for the proposition that the Bush administration couldn't run roughshod over the courts and the law in its pursuit of the war on terror. It now stands for precisely the opposite: With a yawn and a shrug, the administration sidestepped the courts and the judicial process once again, abandoning this criminal prosecution altogether and erasing the episode from our national memory. Hamdi has been stripped of his citizenship and his freedom to travel, and sent packing to his family. The rights and processes guaranteed him by the Supreme Court have been yanked away one last time, by an executive branch that held him for years for no reason and smugly claims now that it was finished with him anyhow.
I'm not saying Hamdi's a good guy. How would I know? The Bush government never backed up its charges, and when the Supreme Court said to shit or get off the pot, Bush sent Hamdi out of the reach of American courts.

The weirdest thing about this is that so many Republicans don't have a problem with the roughshod approach of Bush. Weren't a lot of you libertarians once? Bush treats the Supreme Court like crap, and I think a lot of you think that's a good thing. The House votes that the Supreme Court can't check or balance it anymore, and you celebrate. The Bush Administration watches more and more of what you do, and dictates an ever growing list of activities that will put you in the government's holding cells, and you're blind to Bush's betrayal of your ideals.

On top of that, though, this outcome points to Bush's basic incompetence. If you believe the Bush claim that Hamdi is an incredibly dangerous terrorist, then you have to acknowledge that Bush has botched making sure Hamdi can never strike again. For those of you who repeat, like a mantra, "9/11 changed everything", and see the War on Terrorism as the only issue in this election, don't you see that Bush is screwing the pooch on that too? Bush is a crapalicious president no matter what your political beliefs are. Not only is Bush weakening America by fighting the wrong battles, he's weakening America by doing such a half-assed job of it.

This is the pattern of Bush's incompetence: He's not only turning the government into an entity than can act without concern for the the law, the States, the courts, and the rights of Americans, but he's also an embarrassing example of an executive who's a constant screw-up. Everything Bush touches -- the economy, Iraq, the War on Terrorism -- turns to shit.

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