Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
If Kerry wins, I can see that all the conservative and indepedent endorsements coming Kerry's way will cause us problems down the road.

I can just see it: in 2008, Republicans will quote all these conservatives, "[Generic conservative] supported Kerry in 2004, so why has he turned against the President?"

I guess we liberals will deserve it, after so benefitting from conservative disillusionment with Bush this year. Anyway, these are the concerns of the victor... and hopefully will be the concerns to which we can look forward.

on Oct 27, 2004
You never know what's going to happen in 2008. If Kerry wins, maybe he will be a much better president than his detractors expect and he will maintain his current support (or add to it) much the way Clinton did in 1996.
on Oct 27, 2004
You're such a hopeless romantic, blogic. I like that in a person.

on Oct 27, 2004

I thought this was an article on Hillary! !

I dont see a problem.  Conservatives are known to admit they are wrong when they are.  Contrary to liberals.

on Oct 27, 2004
"Conservatives are known to admit they are wrong when they are."

Thanks for your comment, Dr. Guy,

Sure, which is why some of them are endorsing Kerry.

More generally, I see little difference between liberals and conservatives when it comes to admitting that we're wrong. No one's terribly good at it. The liberals I knew were fairly open with each other about Clinton's flaws. Are you telling me conservatives are as aware of Bush's?
on Oct 27, 2004
Are you telling me conservatives are as aware of Bush's?