Okay, I know one thing you've all been wondering about is what music blogic listens to, when he's not spewing hate about Republicans. You might be surprised. Oh sure, I spend my weekends listening to Moaist Cultural Revolution Music, and blogging wouldn't be the same without inspiring Brezhnev's Music of the Vanguard in the background, but none of that works so well for jogging. Presumably my music tastes reveal something about me. My wife says mine reveal I have terrible taste, but h...
Surrounded by yellow banners and flowing blue writing, they're the Falun Gong, who claim a thousands year old mystical tradition, but seem to be some kind of offshoot of Buddhism. All over the city, they've set up cages with horribly bruised young women -- faces swollen, caked with blood -- with stolid guards seated nearby, swing their billy clubs. They say -- and I see no reason to doubt them -- that in China they are repressed, imprisoned, beaten, and sometimes killed. They are everywh...
From the Associated Press : PARKFIELD, Calif. - A strong earthquake struck Central California on Tuesday, and it was felt from San Francisco to the Los Angeles area, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There was no immediate report of injuries. The quake, which struck at 10:15 a.m. PDT, had a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 and was centered 9 miles south of Parkfield. The area is 17 miles northeast of Paso Robles, scene of an earthquake that killed two people in December 2003. An aft...
With impending financial doom in our near future, Jennifer held a war council at the local Barnes & Noble, planning to read Christian money management guides , even though I'm neither good at managing money, nor Christian. We agreed to meet at the magazine section, on the third floor. Jennifer reads "The New Yorker"; I read "Computer Gaming World". The up escalator to the third floor was broken, so I had to walk up. There was a man walking up right in front of me, along with a guy walk...