Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
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October 19, 2004 by blogic
This is funny. It's from WhoIsLying , and starts by quoting the NY Times: In "Without a Doubt", New York Times , Oct. 16, 2004, Ron Suskind quoted a “senior advisor to Bush” who said people like Suskind were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' He continued: BUSH: You see, I would define the reality-based community as those who rely on observation -- academics, journalists, researchers… pe...
October 19, 2004 by blogic
The following was written by Glen Stassen, a professor of Christian Ethics: I am a Christian ethicist, and trained in statistical analysis. I am consistently pro-life. My son David is one witness. For my family, "pro-life" is personal. My wife caught rubella in the eighth week of her pregnancy. We decided not to terminate, to love and raise our baby. David is legally blind and severely handicapped; he also is a blessing to us and to the world. [snip] Abortion was decreasing. When Pres...
October 19, 2004 by blogic
Bush supporters have tried to argue that the Bush administration bears no responsiblity for this year's critical shortage of flu vaccine. This is from Medical News Today : Last August UK officials, with the same information the US officials had, decided something had to be done in case the Chiron supplies, 14% of UK supplies, went belly up . The US officials decided to believe Chiron and gamble 48% of their supplies on an assurance that everything would turn out fine despite some worryin...
October 19, 2004 by blogic
This piece is by Scott McConnell, one of the founders of The American Conservative : To the surprise of virtually everyone, Bush has turned into an important president, and in many ways the most radical America has had since the 19th century. Because he is the leader of America’s conservative party, he has become the Left’s perfect foil—its dream candidate. The libertarian writer Lew Rockwell has mischievously noted parallels between Bush and Russia’s last tsar, Nicholas II: both gained of...
October 19, 2004 by blogic
The popularity of Air America Radio reveals the true strength of the Left. From the New York Post : October 19, 2004 -- CRITICS said it wouldn't happen — but all-lib eral WLIB is seriously challenging talk-radio rivals WABC and WOR. According to Arbitron ratings released yesterday, WLIB thrashed WOR and nipped at the heels of top-dog WABC among the 25- to 54-year-old listeners advertisers chase. During midday, when both stations roll out their top guns — WABC's Rush Limbaugh vs. ...
October 18, 2004 by blogic
I'm always surprised at how many people use free market theory to argue against taxing the rich more than the poor. These taxation haters scoff at economists who argue that since the wealthy benefit most from civil society, the wealthy should contribute the most to the body that maintains the infrastructure of civil society: the government. The idea that the wealthy don't owe a debt to the government, and the poor, for their wealth is a modern one. I find the modern conservati...
October 18, 2004 by blogic
With only two weeks left before the election, both campaigns seem to be drifting. Bush is slightly up in national polls, but Kerry appears to be slighly ahead in the swing states, and hence the electoral vote count. The last two days haven't been dominated by any single issue, and the first candidate to craft an attack with teeth will be in a stronger position next week. The Bush campaign has been hammering on the Mary Cheney story, but I think that's probably a mistake on their pa...
October 17, 2004 by blogic
From the Associated Press : BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. Army Reserve soldiers who refused orders to drive a dangerous route were members of one of a few supply units whose trucks are still unarmored, their commanding general said Sunday. The soldiers, now under investigation, had previously focused on local missions in safer parts of southern Iraq and had never driven a convoy north along the attack-prone roads passing through Baghdad. "Not all of their trucks are completely armored. In ...
October 16, 2004 by blogic
We're off to Allentown, PA. We're going to spend the day trying to boost turnout in some of the city's less lively quarters. We're going to need every vote we can get this year in Pennsylvania, and that means we've got to break the Republican's unfair manipulation of their "living" majority. I know some of the Bush supporters will try to spin this. They'll claim that it's too late to register voters in Pennsylvania. They'll mislead you by asking if you really want to be in a pa...
October 15, 2004 by blogic
I'm sympathetic to the neo-conservative vision. It's a liberal idea -- something that could have been suggested by the Left of the pre-Vietnam War era. The neo conservative vision is sweeping: Democracy spread around the globe, civil liberties established in every nation, decisions made by presidents and parliaments. There would be no more pariah states, embargoes would end, and trade ships would connect the cities of the world. I'm attracted to that vision -- even if I'm not s...
October 15, 2004 by blogic
From the LA Times : BAGHDAD — Two suicide bombers detonated explosives-laden backpacks Thursday inside the heavily barricaded Green Zone, killing at least six civilians — including four Americans — in the first suicide attacks within the area that houses the offices of the interim Iraqi government and the U.S. and British embassies. [snip] The suicide bombings were the most deadly attacks inside the U.S.-controlled Green Zone, a 4-square-mile compound surrounded by blast walls, concert...
October 14, 2004 by blogic
A moment where we learned something troubling about Bush : Sen. John F. Kerry caught President Bush off guard during their final debate Wednesday night, asserting that the president once said he was "not that concerned" about hunting down Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. In one of the testiest moments of the evening, Bush protested, "I don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. That's kind of one of those exaggerations." But during a news conference at the White H...
October 14, 2004 by blogic
I do a lot of my thinking while jogging in the morning -- up 1st Ave to East 59th St, west to Columbus Circle, and down Broadway to Union Square -- which has the strange result that a lot of my thinking is linked to the music to which I'm listening. Part of my current rotation is Rocky's "Going the Distance", which plays during the climatic fight seat at the end of the movie. As any fan of the movie knows, Rocky isn't focused on actually winning the fight -- his self doubt keeps him fro...
October 14, 2004 by blogic
Three factors are decidedly pro-Kerry (I guess this is also a guide to my "expert" methodology for figuring out these things): (1) Since the debate, Kerry futures have strengthened at the online political futures markets. You can take a look at TradeSports , NewsFutures , and the Iowa Electronic Markets . (2) At Memigo -- a site where stories are ranked by reader interest -- stories that are critical of Bush and supportive of Kerry are drifting toward the top. (3) The polls (sc...
October 14, 2004 by blogic
Those are absolute numbers, not percentages. Only 24 people. Not much to say about this. Obviously, the sample size is low, so take it for what it's worth.