Breaking Political Stories and Commentary. "We're at the height of the Roman Empire for the Republican Party, but the tide slowly but surely goes out." --Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
blogic's Articles In Humor » Page 3
June 10, 2004 by blogic
I hate slow walkers. Slow walkers are those people who slowly drift along the sidewalk, hallway, or pedestrian tunnel, sometimes listing to the left or to the right, blocking you as you try to get to an appointment, or to work on time. You try to scoot around the slow walker, but they're unaware of their surroundings, never move to let you past, and worst yet, just as you dart to that opening on the slow walker's left, the slow walker meanders into your path. Foiled again! By the nat...
June 10, 2004 by blogic
I hate slow walkers. Slow walkers are those people who slowly drift along the sidewalk, hallway, or pedestrian tunnel, sometimes listing to the left or to the right, blocking you as you try to get to an appointment, or to work on time. You try to scoot around the slow walker, but they're unaware of their surroundings, never move to let you past, and worst yet, just as you dart to that opening on the slow walker's left, the slow walker meanders into your path. Foiled again! By the nat...
June 9, 2004 by blogic
Anyway, as I was saying, my wife Jennifer, her friend Jeff, and I were zipping across Manhattan to get to the Westside. Our taxi driver was zipping with us, naturally. The start of the ride was a little difficult. With three backseat drivers (well, I was actually in the passenger seat), Cabbie was getting a little frustrated with our contradictory instructions. Cabbie, being a cabbie, thought he knew the best way to cross the city. We all helpfully suggested three other ways of crossing, e...
June 9, 2004 by blogic
Anyway, as I was saying, my wife Jennifer, her friend Jeff, and I were zipping across Manhattan to get to the Westside. Our taxi driver was zipping with us, naturally. The start of the ride was a little difficult. With three backseat drivers (well, I was actually in the passenger seat), Cabbie was getting a little frustrated with our contradictory instructions. Cabbie, being a cabbie, thought he knew the best way to cross the city. We all helpfully suggested three other ways of crossing, e...
June 4, 2004 by blogic
For many of us, the bathroom is a refuge from the dangers of everyday life. For this woman, it was much more. From Yahoo News : "With a monster tornado bearing down on her last weekend, Diane Neises sought refuge in the bathroom of her manufactured home and locked her arms around the toilet." Really, that's pretty amazing, but I can empathize with her. When at home, the bathroom is a haven from unpaid bills, chores, my wife looking for me to do chores, and Sunday NPR: which my wife ...
June 4, 2004 by blogic
For many of us, the bathroom is a refuge from the dangers of everyday life. For this woman, it was much more. From Yahoo News : "With a monster tornado bearing down on her last weekend, Diane Neises sought refuge in the bathroom of her manufactured home and locked her arms around the toilet." Really, that's pretty amazing, but I can empathize with her. When at home, the bathroom is a haven from unpaid bills, chores, my wife looking for me to do chores, and Sunday NPR: which my wife ...
June 4, 2004 by blogic
Sometimes you tell a story, and you forget the most important If you look at my earlier post, you'll see I talk about a strange commercial for the Six Flags Amusement Parks, that plays the circa 2000 Vengaboys' hit (well, at least in Southeast Asian discotechs): "We Like to Party". For me, the importance of that song is the it keeps repeating that "the Venga Bus is coming", which I see as an escape from the sometimes overwhelming New York City, to the dance center of this arm of the Milky ...
June 4, 2004 by blogic
Sometimes you tell a story, and you forget the most important If you look at my earlier post, you'll see I talk about a strange commercial for the Six Flags Amusement Parks, that plays the circa 2000 Vengaboys' hit (well, at least in Southeast Asian discotechs): "We Like to Party". For me, the importance of that song is the it keeps repeating that "the Venga Bus is coming", which I see as an escape from the sometimes overwhelming New York City, to the dance center of this arm of the Milky ...
June 3, 2004 by blogic
Man oh man, I sure love coffee. Nothing beats a good coffee high. To understand it, picture yourself in the mirror. Now imagine that there's a starry background behind your head. Now imagine yourself fading in and out, mystical like. Finally, imagine yourself saying "The Coffee extends life. The Coffee expands consciousness". Actually, that's the beginning of "Dune", which is an intensely crappy movie, and that's coming from the guy who liked "10.5", last weekend's earthquake movie. But th...
June 3, 2004 by blogic
Man oh man, I sure love coffee. Nothing beats a good coffee high. To understand it, picture yourself in the mirror. Now imagine that there's a starry background behind your head. Now imagine yourself fading in and out, mystical like. Finally, imagine yourself saying "The Coffee extends life. The Coffee expands consciousness". Actually, that's the beginning of "Dune", which is an intensely crappy movie, and that's coming from the guy who liked "10.5", last weekend's earthquake movie. But th...
June 1, 2004 by blogic
"The Venga Bus is coming..." Six Flags Amusement is running a curious commercial on New York television. A bus pulls up to the curb, and out jumps this hyper old guy, except it's obvious he's wearing one of those fake bald-skin caps. Like a swimming cap, but flesh colored. This techno dance tune beings playing, and the guy just starts jumping around like crazy. Kind of dancing, kind of having a seizure. He's obviously freaking out the people around him, but for reasons only obvious to S...
June 1, 2004 by blogic
"The Venga Bus is coming..." Six Flags Amusement is running a curious commercial on New York television. A bus pulls up to the curb, and out jumps this hyper old guy, except it's obvious he's wearing one of those fake bald-skin caps. Like a swimming cap, but flesh colored. This techno dance tune beings playing, and the guy just starts jumping around like crazy. Kind of dancing, kind of having a seizure. He's obviously freaking out the people around him, but for reasons only obvious to S...
June 1, 2004 by blogic
Jennifer (the wife) and I went out to walk the street fairs, today. When the weather is good, New York is rampant with street fairs, every weekend day. Of course, all the street fairs have the same kinds of junk. Crystal cubes with silvery air bubble buildings, airbrushes of the World Trade Center, and the pickle place. The pickle place has great pickles, three for two bucks. Walking back, we passed a chinese food place with a big yellow cat statue on the counter, right paw raised in sa...
June 1, 2004 by blogic
Jennifer (the wife) and I went out to walk the street fairs, today. When the weather is good, New York is rampant with street fairs, every weekend day. Of course, all the street fairs have the same kinds of junk. Crystal cubes with silvery air bubble buildings, airbrushes of the World Trade Center, and the pickle place. The pickle place has great pickles, three for two bucks. Walking back, we passed a chinese food place with a big yellow cat statue on the counter, right paw raised in sa...
June 1, 2004 by blogic
After much looking, I've found my next job: "Psychotherapy center seeks an attractive woman to do sex/surrogate therapy work.The technique consists of a combination of massage, sensual healing and energy work, incorporating the Masters and Johnson method. Training is provided and the work is therapeutic, legal and legitimate. Compensation: $50.00/hour" I'm not a woman, and jury's still out on how attractive I am (*very* attractive, after a few drinks). Actually, as long as I'm on a t...